Access support and resources for home education

Resources for learning plans

You decide what content to include in your home education program. You don't have to follow the Victorian Curriculum or any other specific curriculum. These resources can help you create a program that fits your child's needs.

Other resources for all learning areas:

  • Learning potential
    Support for your child’s learning with resources by year level and learning area toolkits from the Australian government.
  • ABC education
    Videos and interactive activities for learning areas across all levels from the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC).
  • Australian Children’s Television Foundation
    Learning resources that connect the Australian Curriculum with Australian children’s television.
  • Literacy and Numeracy Tips to Help Your Child Every Day
    A Department of Education handbook for parents with tips and activities to help improve their child's literacy and numeracy skills. The handbook contains fun, practical, and inexpensive activities that can be easily done at home.
  • Australia
    Activities, lessons and videos for all learning areas and year levels.
  • Scootle
    Please contact the Home Education team if you would like to access this database of freely available resources in a variety of learning areas.

Resources by learning area

Support services for home education

Support networks

There are several parent-support groups in Victoria. These groups can provide help and ideas for your program. You can also find out about group learning activities and social events.

  • Home Education Network
    A not-for-profit group that helps home educators with support and information. The Home Education Network (HEN) covers all areas of homeschooling. They offer advice for registration and reviews. HEN also has a wide range of resources and lists of events.

Support for children with disabilities and additional learning needs

Financial support

The VRQA does not provide financial support to home schooling families.

Social support

After completing home education

Resources for your child when they reach the end of their compulsory education phase.

Guide to home education in Victoria

The Department of Education's guide has detailed information on home education requirements, registration and available resources for parents.

Guide to home education in Victoria
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